Happy ForeVer

Happy ForeVer

Monday, March 30, 2015

naelofar hijab

presenting you all  with lemari bhaju managed by norma & rezal under nrm signature. we sell the most desired and funtabulous hijab collection by noorneelofa, the famous celebrity known as "nAEloFar Hijab".

to all readers pls visit our insta @lemaribhaju and our FB and FB pages known as lemari bhaju. 
or you also may contact us at 0193497286(watsapp/PM/telegram) or via emaik at lemari_bhaju@yahoo.com

happy browsing and online shopping!

as the eye opener append below some of naelofar"s babes and basic collection!

and also the lady love collection

while coming sooon to you is:

denim & printed babes and basic and beyond chic!!!


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Damai Laut ke Pulau Pangkor

alkisahnya mr hubby masuk coralbayresort for 13 km

tengok2 kalendar kebetulan cuti sekolah so apa lagi menggedik la pulak aku nak duduk hotel
so end of january aku dah book coralbay sebab takut penuh dengan runners
rate time tu RM198/nite
kira boleh lah tu, book tru website dia
arrange online payment, DONE
so duduk semalam jer kat situ
check in 21/3 hubby lari 22/3
ok lah tu kira "cool"

bila kenang balik time cuti sekolah
so best gak kalau ambik cuti
apa lagi, apply cuti jumaat 20/3 tu
bila dah apply cuti lagi tinggi nafsu nak book hotel
this time nak try lumut pulak
so apa lagi bersabar aku menunggu time matta fair
aim mmg nak g swiss garden resort and spa, damai laut!!!

mng lama aku mem"bising" dan bernego dgn exec kat situ
sebabnye tak nak la aku gi matta fair penat2 then aku bayar rate tinggi!
then kata matta fair semua murah
so kena la dptkan yg murah
lps diterangkan dgn exec tu and after dia cuba push to the very best rate ngn rate aku survey
maka dapatla aku rate RM350++ tuk one seaview room with breakfast
harga biasa adalah RM450
depa jual voucher dgn 20% less
so RM100 voucher harga dia RM80
jadi aku beli RM400 voucher dgn harga RM320
jadi sampai hotel kena top up dlm RM50 jer lah
kira terbaiklah tuk choice yg dibagi seaview lagi, insha allah
so tunggu review both hotel on next post ya tuk cuti2 "sambil
menyelam minum air " we all ni!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

naelofar & sofina3

dear funtabulous fashionista,

my latest crazy over naelofar hijab and sofina3
naelofar ni terjatuh cinta masa beli kat modvier haritu
as of now aku ada 5 naelofar the babes and basic collection, 1 piece of the chic and basic
so skrg aku jadi agent naelofar
jadi sesapa yg berminat ngn naelofar boleh la visit insta eden @ lemaribhaju ye
or boleh gak WA at 0193497286    


then kisah sofina ni spt yg aku coretkan pasal vivy yusof dulu
betapa aku admire dia kebetulan dia adalah law graduate, pregnant time sama ngn aku, deliver daniel about 2 weeks ahead niyaz, etc etc
so last time dah beli sofina jugak kaler oren
sampai ada org mntak beg tu
jadi sbb eden dah lama tak pakai
baguslah if ada org yg good caretaker!

then alasan gak tuk aku order sofina3
apa pun this sofina3 sgt hot and sexy
really love it!
tak sangka geng gossip aku seripoh lela pun giler sofina sampai nak order yg ke/3 esok!!!!
we all dah impose tuk gossip trip bulan may nnt semua kena jimbit sofina3☺️☺️☺️
so tomorrow is the pre order
set your alarm kay!

see you at fashionvalet tomorrow time 11 am!!