Happy ForeVer

Happy ForeVer

Thursday, October 16, 2014

starcruise ~ krabi part 4

hi all
here i am again, sambungan dari part 3
this time nak cerita our journey to krabi from phuket
target schedule sampai krabi dlm pukul 10 am
so this time we all x ambik pakej
just nak buat self tour sbb pakej krabi agak pricey
lagipun berdasarkan experience aku ke krabi dulu
boleh jer nak ronda sendiri2, makanan muslim pun x susah
dah plan nak bawak paper cutting pasal restoran halal best kat krabi

so bila kapal tetiba bunyi menderu so we all dah tau dah reach krabi
at krabi mmg xde port so mmg kapal berenti agak jauh jugak sbb laut yg cetek
so kena ada transit bot utk pick up we all
lepas habis breakfast, we all excited and  berkumpul kat stardust lounge

    expression awal bila reach krabi

waiting for cabin crew briefing
then cabin crew informed that ada delay sikit due to strong wind outside
mmg rasa angin kuat, sbb malam tido pun ada rasa goyang jgk cabin we all
lama jugak we all tunggu tuk 1st departure ke daratan tapi x ada tanda2 nak gerak
so while waiting for that cabin crew entertained us with some games
then selepas lama menunggu tadaaaaaa...........  attention everybody
ada surprise announcement dari cabin crew yg menyampaikan mesej dari kapten kapal
then dgn suara slow and berhati2, cabin crew informed yang...........
all ground tour to krabi has been CANCELLED!
diulangi CANCELLED disebabkan strong wind outside so bot x dapat nak ambik we all
walaupun bot dah ada and managed to get the first grup out but still they all x dpt reach the land
bayangkan bot terumbang ambing dgn ombak and angin yg kuat
bila return balik ramai yang muntah and pening kepala!

due to that the kapten has decided to call off the ground tour
memang la ramai kecewa tapi nak buat macamana kena la terima hakikat
for info mmg bila cancell no refund for our cruise pakej ye except org2 yg dah book ground tour

so kapten cancell sbb takut if proceed jugak lebih membahayakan nyawa kita orang
we all pun frust jgk tak dpt touch down krabi
kesian gak kat husband sbb memang excited nak jalan2 dgn aku, tgk tempat2 yang aku berjumba2 dulu
apakan daya x de rezki, maybe next time kita pergi lagi dgn anak2

after tour dah cancelled, we all pun lepak kat crystal court dengar live lagu
sempat jugak aku menyumbangkan suara sumbangsih aku ni
ah lantaklah janji dapat medal kenang2an
during this time ramai passenger yg take time tuk shopping lah etc
so kiranye abis la souvenier starcruise kena borong sbb dah x boleh keluar krabi
(termasuk la aku)
so we all meronda2 kat dlm kapal

malam we all nak get ready dgn gala dinner
dapat duduk same table lagi dgn the hotel manager kat spices restaurant
main dinner actually kat four seasons restaurant (western restaurant) tapi sbb we all nak halal restaurant so dpt la spices restaurant
pre dinner cocktail at 6 pm dibuat kat stardust lounge, ada performance kat situ
sgt enjoy makan semeja dgn hotel manager en yazid mustaffa and the f&b manager

         our gala dinner official photo
sgt happy we all terpilih duduk dgn the hotel manager!

byk cerita yg dikongsikan dgn en yazid
bila ditanya kenapa xde malay crew
dia kata mmg xde malay crew maybe sbb cabaran sgt kuat, kena bekerja for 1 year straight no leave, duduk di kapal yg berlayar dgn mabuk laut etc, bilik pun kecik and really2 paling bwh deck
so imagine jer lah cabaran cabin crew nak kerja kat sini
takde dunia luar kat sini, semua life kat dalam kapal!!
dia kata yg terjun laut pun ada sebab maybe dah terlalu stress!

we all sempat jgk melahirkan rasa frust sbb tak dapat turun KRABI
and aku ada tanye kenapa x plan nak divert ke LANGKAWI ker apa
then En Yazid inform, actually that was the plan to divert to LANGKAWI
but bila tgk keadaan angin takut sampai LANGKAWI akan face benda yang sama jgk
so jadi wasted lagi sekali
last2 x jadi nak divert ke LANGKAWI

aku pun tanye ada tak certain situasi yang penumpang turun krabi/phuket
then balik on their own
dia kata memang ada and dibolehkan cuma cruise tak akan tanggung any cost and arrangement at own cost
sebab cruise term of emergency etc
maybe tak berdaya cos mabuk laut 
hu... hu... hu...
rupanye boleh, we all dah terpk kat kepala aritu tapi sebab x dpt touch ground so x boleh jugak nak CABUT LARI
ha.... ha.... ha.....

this is the people behind the hotel big ship, the unofficial free photo

habis dinner jer we all terus pergi ke stardust lounge utk tgk dinner performance music and dance
memang of cos bukan malaysian performer
sgt wow wow and hot hot la performer tu dgn very sexy and very long legs! ha ha mmg aku ni jauh sgt panggang dengan api!
habis performance we all pergi kat deck 9 tuk tgk farewell pool party
semua org bergembira and happy menari dgn angin laut yg best!
so this is our last nite at the ship
wp x dpt turun krabi tapi the experience of cruising tu yg BEST!
so wait for my last and final part of the cruise when we managed to drive the ship and sit and the captain's place!!!!

    this is the captain, from sweden mr lennart jagerfalk

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