Happy ForeVer

Happy ForeVer

Friday, July 29, 2016

pregnancy story ... the 2nd prince

salam subuh semua,
terjaga dari tido sebab bunyi baby merengek2
tried to breast feed him but halfway rasa too sleepy then i decided bagi susu formula to expedite the process of making him going back to sleep
in return abis tshirt i kena susu sbb baby muntah susu bila i cuba make him to burp.
lepas settle and bila tgk  baby tgh carik mood tido
i terasa nak check up my blog yang dah bersawang tu
while scrolling down came across maria elena"s post which seems inviting telling the story of giving birth. then i decided to share mine for my 2nd baby
now he"s 53 days by now

pregnancy detection
we all memang plan for our 2nd baby
by the time niyaz reach his 2 yrs old we decided to add a new member and hoping for a girl
then somewhere august we said we are ready
alhamdulillah i got pregnant after doing own pregnancy test
ingat lagi i did that  while we were at Jaya jusco keramat AU
lepastu buat double pregnancy confirmation dekat poliklinik shaik bawah office
alhamdulillah macam last 2 pregnancy
i takde morning sickness etc
semuanya smooth sailing
cuma bezanya this time, rasa cepat penat sikit
maybe due to my age yg dah x berapa nak muda and body pun gaining weight easily
start pregnancy pun dah 61 kg ha ha
so jgn nak perasan maintain slim

2nd trimester
semuanya berjalan dgn baik
doing all my follow up check up dekat poliklinik shaik
malas nak pergi jauh2 compared to last pregnancy
selera makan pun macam biasa, ikut rutin biasa pagi nasi berlauk abe kelate dgn lauk ayam goreng crispy dia
tghari still nasi lagi dgn asam pedas / ikan keli goreng / ayam kampung
malam biasalah makan dgn family most  of the time kat luar dgn nasi campur
ujian sugar tru blood and urine test semuanya ok, no problem
paras gula di bawah paras yang dibenarkan so fit to continue normal
edd was given on 26 june
itu pun based on anggaran sebab i cant really recall my exact date of my last period

3rd trimester
after reach 7 months barula i boleh rujuk kepada speciallist / hospital
after pengalaman deliver yg agak horror for my 2nd baby dekat UKM speciallist we decided to try hospital ampang puteri
one main factor adalah dekat dgn umah so easy to commute
this time hubby mintak i cari a lady gynae
so lepas google up ampang puteri website and upon checking up with friends we opted for doktor fauziah hassan, very experienced gynae and bersifat keibuan
friends said she was RCW"s doctor
RCW : rozita che wan
so wow rasa cam retis lah pulak
tetiba skrg rasa ngntuk and nak curi masa tido while
baby asleep
so my delivery story will be continued when i got the spare time
stay tune guys!!!

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